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Objective: Given the importance of developmental transitions on young adults' lives and the high rates of mental health issues among U.S. college students, first-year college students can be particularly vulnerable to stress and adversity. This pilot study evaluated the effectiveness and feasibility of mindfulness training aiming to promote first-year college students' health and wellbeing. Participants: 109 freshmen were recruited from residential halls (50% Caucasian, 66% female). Data collection was completed in November 2014. Methods: A randomized control trial was conducted utilizing the Learning to BREATHE (L2B) program, a universal mindfulness program adapted to match the developmental tasks of college transition. Results: Participation in the pilot intervention was associated with significant increase in students' life satisfaction, and significant decrease in depression and anxiety. Marginally significant decrease was found for sleep issues and alcohol consequences. Conclusions: Mindfulness-based programs may be an effective strategy to enhance a healthy transition into college.  相似文献   


While the provision of maternity education across the perinatal period can increase the confidence and self-efficacy in childbearing women, there is still thought to be a lack of effective educational resources for parenthood. This study, conducted in Victoria, Australia, investigated women’s experiences of, and attitudes to education communicated in maternity service provision.


189 women were recruited from a variety of settings to participate in a mixed-methods survey about their experiences of perinatal health service education.


Of the sample of childbearing women, 153 (81%) reported attending antenatal classes. Women perceived their antenatal education as beneficial, though many women still felt unprepared beyond labour and birth. With respect to the hospital postnatal stay, findings suggested a variation among the content imparted to women across different Victorian maternity services, (e.g. rural women tended to be more dissatisfied with information received in relation to maternal emotional and physical health). Overall, women wished they had been more informed about breastfeeding and settling techniques, while a lack of information relating to social support initiatives for the postnatal period was also indicated. Women reported that they were missing educational and practical reinforcement of mothercraft skills.


There is a need for a reorientation of perinatal health service education. A health promotion approach is suggested as it extends beyond the physical recovery from birth to encompass psychosocial factors; including perinatal morbidities that can disrupt the quality and experience of the transition to parenthood.  相似文献   
“司法附属行政”是中国古代司法的一个重要特征。在这一背景下,中国古代法官地位就呈现出鲜明的附属性特征,这种特征同样体现在法院的地位和司法权的地位上,这也导致中国古代法官没有专门的职业保障制度,而这一切都深深地镶嵌在当时的人治大背景之中。通过与现代法官地位的比较,可以更加深切地感受到古今法官地位以至整个司法状况的巨大差异。中国现代法官地位在独立性方面相对于古代法官有了巨大改善,但仍然不尽如人意,还需要在今后的司法改革中进行反思和重点关注。  相似文献   
从农户意愿角度,以福建省农民的农用承包地为研究对象,对影响农户承包地流转的因素进行分析,通过实地调查和问卷调查的形式收集到影响农户流转承包地的样本数据,并对通过建立二元Logistic模型对各个因素的显著性进行检验。通过实证研究发现,户主受教育程度、户主的职业、农户家庭的人口、家庭的收入主要来源、承包地面积和农户流转承包地的租金水平是农户流转承包地的显著性影响因素,其中户主受教育程度、家庭的收入主要来源、承包地面积和租金水平是正向影响,户主的职业和农户家庭的人口是负向影响。根据研究的结论提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
在《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分》的3000汉字中,记号字占将近六分之一的比例,主要分布在一级、二级汉字中,其中在一级汉字中占绝对优势。记号字来源于六书中的象形字、会意字、形声字、指事字,也来源于半意半记字、音零字和记号字。在汉字形体演变的过程中,现今的记号字是由于笔形之变、结构之变和功能之变等诸多因素形成的,因此对记号字的认知也是分层次的,可以从文字学角度和非字源角度分别认知。  相似文献   
罗马法上的人格同时规定了人在公法与私法上的主体地位,是一种通用型人格,因此罗马法上的人格是法律主体资格而非权利主体资格。德国法上民事人格采取的是权利能力理论,而商事人格采取的是商人"身份人格理论",即商人既是一种身份,又是商事主体,商人在获得商人身份的同时获得商事人格,成为商事主体。某一主体可以同时获得多重人格"面具",也可以仅仅获得单一人格"面具"。民事人格、商事人格等独立的类型化人格所形成的人格多重性,其缘由在于诸法合一向诸法分立的转变以及社会分工加深了"完整人"向"局部人"的蜕变。现代人格理论的缺陷在于将民法上的"人"当作法律上的"人",试图以"局部人(民法上的人)"替代"完整人(法律上的人)",将类型化人格(民事人格)作为通用型人格使用。  相似文献   
言、象、意三者的关系在中国古代美学中占有重要地位,既涉及语言学知识,也涉及美学知识,更涉及哲学知识。古人早就意识到"言不尽意",于是"立象以尽意",最后达到"得意忘象"。对言、象、意三者关系的不同认识,导致中国古代文学理论与西方的有所不同,中西美学也形成了各自的特点。  相似文献   
《吕氏春秋》倡导重农的政策思想主要是对《老子》“圣人之治”理论的继承和发展,体现在:“朴”的政治哲学,“不尚贤”的政治主张和老子“小国寡民”的政治情怀。《老子》与《吕氏春秋》之间有两条主轴贯穿始终:一是以老子政治哲学为主的道家“无为”思想,《吕氏春秋》将其浸透在重农政策中;二是《周易》、《老子》思维方式在《吕氏春秋》中的体现,具体表现在《吕氏春秋》的言说方式和言说内容具有正反相合、注重“天地人”三者融通与和谐的整体性思维特点。而《周易》、《老子》的流传与演变,为《吕氏春秋》的思想内容、思维方式和言说特点提供了方便之门。  相似文献   
先秦法家在与儒家“礼治”的争论中提出“法治”思想,并与战国时期富国强兵的国家策略结合,变法图存的“法治”实践此起彼伏。其中最为成功的是秦国的商鞅变法,秦国由此迅速崛起并最终吞并六国,建立起统一的封建国家。秦帝国的建立是“法治”思想和实践的里程碑,大秦将集权专制和“法治”相互糅合,将法家重刑思想发展到极端,走向了崇尚暴力和滥刑滥杀的野蛮恐怖境地,导致天下怨叛,秦王朝二世而亡,君权至上最终将法治引向了集权专制的死胡同。  相似文献   
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